Monday, January 29, 2007
monday blues.... erm.. today lesson shall start at 9.. but by the time 9.10 i reach the classroom.. it was still empty.. no wonder keith will go home.. the lesson start at 9.30 like tat.. and it end at 10.30 like tat.. and keith suggest to go eat breakfast.. but dun noe where to go.. so we went to gate 1st.. and i suggest geylang.. keith oso agree.. so we board a cab to there.. when we told the driver geylang.. he reply us.. "SO EARLY ARH!!!" haha.. onli we 2 went for breakfast.. we went to geylang lor 17 for tim sum.. hehe.. not bad..

want to take the picture of our food b4 we ate.. but due to my N80 veri lag.. it hang.. and i have to restart it.. so this is the pic i taken after we ate half of it...

keith eating his breakfast.. and he said this pic veri shuai...

our breakfast....

this shop the ju hua cha veri special.. serve in this way...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Choose 1
now 1.13am in the morning... jus did finish my dwa assignment.. erm.. think there is some more thing that i can improve lol.. will improve in the afternoon..
yest ask andy can the OOAD2 paper finish in 1 hr time.. and the answer i got is NO!!!! unless u dun noe how to do or u are soo clever that u see the question and u noe how to answer without thinking much.. when i heard that.. is jus like OH WO DE TIAN ARH!!! hizzz...
Choice 1:
Hack care jus finish the paper in 1hr to 1hr 15min time den rush down to BBDC.
Choice 2:
Take a MC for that paper. And retake the paper during chi new year period.
Have to choose one of the choice... I dont want to retake later.. cos maybe the paper will be more diff.. but i wish to do well in the paper and also go for my TP on time.. hizzz.. i think i will let those god in the heaven to choose for me...or this is the an shi asking me not to go for the TP.. as i will FAIL again??
sick of my blog song.. so decide to change.. jus knew the title of this song for the superstar.. is a very very old song.. but is nice.. and the lyrics are quite meaningful..
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Nothing to update.. As this is de 1st post of the year.. so must post something that is good.. and will bring luck and money... heheh... so post this siao _ _ _(four).. dun noe the pinyin.. this is a gift from timothy to gerald... hope all my fren will same wif the pic everyday happy and smiling always..